April 4, 2019 Minutes
President Felicia Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Members present: Lloyd Murdoch, Jane Pingelski, Ken Carter, Sheri Welch, Felicia Hopkins, Franklin Bennek, and Librarian Rebecca Fasulo.
Minutes of the previous meeting: Minutes from the Jan. 7th meeting were read. A motion was made by Lloyd Murdoch and seconded by Sheri Welch to accept the minutes. The motion was carried with all in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was read and discussed. A motion was made by Lloyd Murdoch and seconded by Sheri Welch to approve all paid bills. A motion was made by Jane Pingelski and seconded by Sheri Welch to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was carried with all in favor.
Librarian’s Report: The Librarian’s report was presented with highlights as follows:
- SALS annual meeting May 20th
- 2019 Annual Report
See attachment for complete librarian’s report
A motion was made by Sheri Welch and seconded by Ken Carter to accept the librarian’s report. The motion was carried with all in favor.
Old Business:
1. Minimum Standards: Plan of Service needs to be community-based. Becky will put us on the list of libraries for SALS to help us through the process.
2. Website update: Policies and budget will need to be posted on our website.
New Business:
1. Sarah Dallas would like to joins us at a board meeting again this year.
2. Printout pricing: With the coming of a new printer, the need to adjust pricing for printouts was discussed.
A motion was made by Sheri Welch and seconded by Jane Pingelski to charge 10 cents for printouts and 25 cents for color printouts. Motion carried with all in favor.
3. DVD fines: Because of the decrease in price of DVDs, Becky proposed a decrease in DVD fines.
A motion was made by Franklin Bennek and seconded by Lloyd Murdoch to decrease fines for DVDs and make them the same as book fines and to increase the number of DVDs that can be checked out per patron to 10, affective July 1. Motion carried with all in favor.
4. Kanopy: Becky proposed a change in our Kanopy allowances and cap as we are nearing our current proposed spending and yearly cap.
A motion was made by Lloyd Murdoch and seconded by Ken Carter to decrease the allowed number of movies per patron per month from 10 to 5 and change the yearly cap from $500 to $1,000. Motion was carried with all in favor.
5. Smoking: NYS law will change June 1st. The smoke-free zone around entryways will go from 15 feet to 100 feet. This pretty much means that there is no smoking allowed at all on library property. We will need to change our policy to being a smoke-free facility and change our signage.
Adjournment: The motion was made by Lloyd Murdoch and seconded by Sheri Welch with all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 PM.
Next two meetings: July 8, Oct. 7