July 8, 2019
President Felicia Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Members present: Lloyd Murdoch, Jane Pingelski, Ken Carter, Felicia Hopkins, Franklin Bennek, and Librarian Rebecca Fasulo.
Also in attendance was Sara Dallas from SALS who shared information on a new delivery service, possible trustee education in the future, and starting Jan. 1, 2021 the new Library Minimum Standards will go into effect. Sara’s visit was greatly appreciated by the Board.
Minutes of the previous meeting: Minutes from the Apr. 1st meeting were read. A motion was made by Lloyd Murdoch and seconded by Ken Carter to accept the minutes. The motion was carried with all in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was read and discussed. Treasurer Lloyd Murdoch shared that we should come under budget this year. A motion was made by Jane Pingelski and seconded by Ken Carter to approve all paid bills. A motion was made by Franklin Bennek and seconded by Jane Pingelski to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was carried with all in favor.
Librarian’s Report: The Librarian’s report was presented with highlights as follows:
- Annual Book & Bake Sale on July 27th
- Sept. sessions at CCS for student library card signups.
See attachment for complete librarian’s report
A motion was made by Lloyd Murdoch and seconded by Ken Carter to accept the librarian’s report. The motion was carried with all in favor.
Old Business:
1. New No Smoking signs are in place. As per the requirements, all entrances (whether used by the public or not) must have a No Smoking notice posted. All employees have been advised of the new law and both employees are designated to enforce the ban.
A motion was made by Lloyd Murdoch and seconded by Ken Carter to approve the following resolution:
Resolution: to make a change in the General Operations Policy Section 5 Buildings and Grounds: adding – No smoking is allowed in the building at any time. Smoking is prohibited as per NYS Law within 100 feet of all entryways. Motion was carried with all in favor.
2. National Voter Registration Day 9/24/19 – the League of Women Voters will again be here to answer questions and help people register to vote. If this falls through, they will provide a display and materials on how to register.
3. Kanopy – Our yearly cap has been changed from $500 to $1000 and unless usage skyrockets we should be able to stay below that. We kept the number of movies allowed at 10 at their suggestion. Our average usage per month is $47. additionally, Kanopy has made changes to the way the Great Courses and children’s programming is charged with the charge increasing but including viewing for the entire month in those areas.
4. DVD fines – changes have been made in the Polaris system and went into effect as of July 1. Signs are up regarding the change to the number of dvds that each person may check out.
A motion was made by Lloyd Murdoch and seconded by Ken Carter to approve the following resolution:
Resolution – to make change in the General Operations Policy Section 7 Circulation Policies: changing the paragraph on fines to read – Fines for overdue materials will be 10 cents a day per item for all adult and young adult materials, 5 cents a day per item for all juvenile materials, up to $1 per item returned in good shape. Items damaged will be charged a price commensurate with the extent of the damage not to exceed the cost of the item. Items not returned will be billed for the replacement cost of the item. Never shall the charge exceed the value of the material. Motion was carried with all in favor.
5. Printing costs – A change needs to be made to the Computer Policy to reflect the new printing costs.
A motion was made by Jane Pingelski and seconded by Ken Carter to approve the following resolution:
Resolution – to change the Computer Policy Section 10 to read – Printing costs are 10 cents per page per side. Full color printouts are 25 cents per page per side. Motion was carried with all in favor.
New Business:
1. Wooden Display Unit – This unit downstairs has been replaced by a six-shelf unit and is no longer needed. Franklin Bennek volunteered to take the old unit.
2. Recycle – Old printer and various peripherals will be taken to recycling.
Adjournment: The motion was made by Franklin Bennek and seconded by Jane Pingelski with all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 PM.
Next two meetings: Oct. 7, Dec. 2