Corinth Free Library
Internet Access Policy
The Corinth Free Library offers free access to electronic resources, including the Internet, as part of its mission to provide services and materials in a variety of formats to meet the informational, educational, and recreational needs of the community.
Access to the library’s public use computers is available to all Corinth Free Library card holders. By signing the application for a library card, users have agreed to abide by the library’s policies and usage rules which includes computer usage. When a parent or legal guardian co-signs for their minor children to have a library card they are also giving them access to the library’s computers as well as agreeing that they will also abide by the library’s policies and usage rules. The Corinth Free Library requires that children under 12 must have a parent or guardian with them while using the library’s public computers.
It is the library’s policy that the parents or legal guardians are responsible for deciding what library materials and resources are appropriate for their minor children. Supervision or restriction of a child’s access to the Internet, as with other library resources, is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.
The Corinth Free Library also allows free access to its wireless network connection.
Wireless Internet Limitations and Disclaimers
- Wireless access is provided as a public service free of charge on an “as is” basis with no guarantee and no warranty; nor is the making of a connection guaranteed.
- At its sole discretion, the Corinth Free Library Board of Trustees may terminate this public service at anytime without prior notice.
- Information passing through Corinth Free Library’s wireless access is not secured and could be monitored, captured, or altered by others.
- It is the user’s sole responsibility to protect his or her information from all risks associated with using the Internet, including any damage, loss, or theft that may occur as a result of use of Corinth Free Library wireless access.
- Library staff is not able to provide technical assistance and assumes no responsibility for laptop configurations, security or changes to data files resulting from connection to the Library’s network.
- In using this free Internet access, the user agrees to hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless, the Corinth Free Library, its officers and employees, and any affiliate, from any damage that may result in the user’s use of this wireless access.
- While using this wireless access, the user acknowledges that he or she is subject to, and agrees to abide by all laws, and all rules and regulations of the Corinth Free Library, the State of New York, and the United States government that is applicable to Internet use. Display of sexually graphic images is not permitted on any computer in the Library.
- Sound must be muted or personal headphones must be used.
Users need to be reasonably proficient in computer usage, as we do not have the time and resources to offer extensive help.
All users of electronic resources including the wireless connection are expected to use these resources in a responsible and ethical manner consistent with the standards and rules of the library and the community. Disruptive patrons may be asked to leave. The library reserves the right to enforce a time allowance of 1 hour per session. Printing will be limited to that which can be completed within the allotted time and may be stopped at the end of that time. There will be a charge of 10¢ per page to defray costs.
Visitors to the area may use the computers by showing a valid current photo ID and reading and signing the library’s Internet usage policy.
The library does not warrant information found on the Internet to be accurate, authoritative, factual, timely, or useful for patrons’ purposes. The Internet is a global entity, which does not fall under the control or governance of any single agency, government, or organization. The availability of networked information via library terminals does not constitute the library’s endorsement of the content of that information. The library cannot control the accuracy nor the validity of the information, availability of links, or materials some may find offensive. If any patron believes that information obtained via library terminals is inaccurate or offensive, the patron should contact the original producer or distributor of the information.
Patrons may not use the terminals for any illegal, inappropriate or criminal purposes, including but not limited to:
- Viewing of sexually explicit images on any computer in the library is prohibited
- Violation of computer system security
- Obstruction or disruption of other patron’s work
- Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures
- Malicious tampering with hardware or software will not be tolerated
- Violating copyright laws
- Employing the network for commercial purposes
**Violations may result in a loss of access as well as legal action.
The library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility, including copyright, arising from access to or use of information obtained through its electronic information systems, or any consequences thereof.
The library assumes no liability for loss or damage to the user’s data or for any damage or injury arising from invasion of the user’s privacy.
This policy may be revised from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Corinth Free Library
Date: 4/5/99 revised 7/2/01 revised 1/4/10 revised 4/3/2023
Internet Access Rules:
- Present a Corinth Free Library card (or other library card w/ photo ID)
- Visitors to the area must show current photo ID
- Printing charge = 10¢ per page
- Under 18 must have parent or guardian sign consent form
- Under 12 must have parent or guardian with them during Internet session
- No more than 2 at the workstation at a time
- Staff has limited time to help. Staff will not monitor children’s use of the Internet.
- Time is available by reservation & on a walk-in basis if possible. There will be a time limit of 1 reservation of Internet access per patron per day. There will be no standing reservations.
- We reserve the right to restrict or terminate use of the computers in the case of disruptive behavior.
- Staff must log-on, user must log-off.
- Patron must sign in at the desk each time
- No downloading or saving of files to the hard drive, no bookmarks.
- Follow safety rules (this is especially important for children.)