President Felicia Hopkins called the meeting to order at 7:13 PM
Members present: Lloyd Murdoch, Jane Pingelski, Ken Carter, Felicia Hopkins, Franklin Bennek, Sheri Welch, and Librarian Rebecca Fasulo. Also joining the board are two new members, Catherine Bailey and Cathy Lozier.
Minutes of the previous meeting: Minutes from the Oct. 7th meeting were read. A motion was made by Lloyd Murdoch and seconded by Sheri Welch to accept the minutes. The motion was carried with all in favor
Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was read and discussed. A motion was made by Jane Pingelski and seconded by Ken Carter to approve all paid bills. A motion was made by Sheri Welch and seconded by Felicia Hopkins to accept the 2020 Budget and treasurer’s report. The motion was carried with all in favor.
Librarian’s Report: The Librarian’s report was presented with highlights as follows (see librarian’s report for complete report):
- Year in Review
- 15 programs held in 4th quarter with 124 in attendance
A motion was made by Felicia Hopkins and seconded by Ken Carter to accept the librarian’s report. The motion was carried with all in favor.
Old Business:
- Website update: New website is done and has been activated
- NYLA: It looks like enough SALS libraries are willing to join NYLA as organizational members for us to receive the volume discount. We should hear final word from SALS in the near future. Our cost will be $150.
- Minimum Standard: New updated standards must be met by 1/1/21. We are in good shape to be able to meet the changes by the deadline.
- Census: We expect that our computers will be used to fill out census forms and that we will be helping people with this as time allows.
New Business:
- ADP: Asking to provide us with Workers Comp Policy. What we currently have now through another provider is fine.
- Farm 2 Library: This is an award winning project that SALS and the Comfort Food Community collaborated on with a few libraries in Warren and Washington Counties. The project uses libraries as a pick up spot for fresh produce to food impoverished communities. We have been invited to be a part of this. If we accept the invitation, we will be provided with a glass front mini fridge. We can take part year round or can start in the spring and run through December (there is a lot of flexibility with this). Fresh food is supplied weekly. Anyone in the community can take what they want/need – there are no quotas or limits. There is no charge and we are only asked to keep a tally of the number of people who partake. Our cost would be the electricity to run the fridge, and a small amount of staff or volunteer time to make sure the fridge stays clean. Marketing materials would be provided from SALS for promotion in the community. Because we are a little out of the way for the providers, we may need to help find a volunteer to pick up the food once a week in the Glens Falls/Queensbury area. Our benefits would be in providing a wonderful service to the community, which would hopefully bring new people into the library.
A motion was made by Sheri Welch and seconded by Jane Pingelski to participate in the Farm 2 Library Project. Motion was carried with all in favor.
Adjournment: The motion was made by Catherine Bailey and seconded by Jane Pingelski with all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 PM.
Next two meetings: Apr. 6, July 6