Minutes of the Board of Trustees
July 10, 2023
President Franklin Bennek called the meeting to order at 7:08 PM.
Members present: Jane Pingelski, Franklin Bennek, Cathy Lozier, Catherine, Emma Mackey, Mo Kelly, and Librarian Rebecca Fasulo.
Becky introduced Rose Farr as a potential board member. A motion was made by Mo and seconded by Cathy to accept Rose as a new board member. Motion was carried with all in favor.
Minutes of the previous meeting: Minutes from the April 3rd meeting were read prior to tonight’s meeting. A motion was made by Cathy and seconded by Emma to accept the minutes. The motion was carried with all in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was read and discussed. A motion was made by Jane and seconded by Franklin to approve all paid bills. The motion was carried with all in favor. A motion was made by Emma and seconded by Mo to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was carried with all in favor.
Librarian’s Report: The Librarian’s report was presented with highlights as follows:
- Rainbow Nursery came for a story and rocket launch
- Annual Book Sale on July 29
See attachment for complete librarian’s report
A motion was made by Jane and seconded by Rose to accept the librarian’s report. The motion was carried with all in favor.
Old Business:
Strategic Plan – committee reports:
Michael/Franklin/Mo: WIFI Shelter is currently being constructed by Carl Dearborn.
Aug. 15th is the target date for completion.
Trustee Training:
Reminder to Board members to check the SALS website for training opportunities. Give information to Becky as soon as training is completed.
Materials Selection Policy: Policy was reviewed and proposed changes were discussed.
RESOLVED, By the Board of Trustees of the Corinth Free Library that the changes made to the Collection Development and Materials Selection Policy, as presented, are hereby adopted.
Motion is made by: Mo and seconded by Rose.
Those in favor: Jane, Cathy, Franklin, Mo, Emma, Rose
Those against: None
Motion carried with all in favor.
Library birthday – The library will turn 100 in 2027. A board committee should decide when and how to celebrate this milestone. Becky doesn’t think we want to let it pass without some acknowledgement.
Cyber Insurance: Cathy will contact new representative to get a quote.
MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication): Becky will initiate for backup verification.
New Business:
Maintenance: Chimney repairs will be done by Dennis Anderson.
Resolution against Book Bans: Resolution was read and discussed.
RESOLVED, By the Board of Trustees of the Corinth Free Library that the Resolution Against Book Bans, as presented, is hereby adopted.
Motion is made by: Franklin and seconded by Emma
Those in favor: Jane, Cathy, Franklin, Mo, Emma, Rose
Those against: None
Motion carried with all in favor.
Library of Things — Fishing: Equipment Lending Policy: Fishing Equipment was read and discussed.
RESOLVED, By the Board of Trustees of the Corinth Free Library that the Equipment Lending Policy: Fishing Equipment, as presented, is hereby adopted.
Motion is made by: Rose and seconded by Jane
Those in favor: Jane, Cathy, Franklin, Mo, Emma, Rose
Those against: None
Motion carried with all in favor
Staff Tansitions Committee: As there will be retirements in the near future, a committee will be needed, that should include staff, to work on what will be needed for staff transitions so that new hires will come on board with as much help as possible.
Adjournment: The motion was made by Cathy and seconded by Franklin with all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM.
Next two meetings: Oct. 2, Dec. 4