Meeting called to order 7:13pm
1.Approval of October Minutes motion: Mo, second: Rose, passes all in favor.
2.Approval of December Minutes motion: Brittney, second Franklin, passes all in favor.
3.Treasurers Report: 2024 overall underbudget but $5000 shortfall in revenue vs income.
Friends of the Library made a $2000 donation to bridge the gap until the annual revenue check is received from Corinth School.
After discussion, Resolution to request an increase of $5000 in funds from CCS.
Motion: Franklin, Second: Brittney, all in favor.
Motion to accept treasurer’s report: Mo, Second Rose, all in favor.
4.Librarians report: We are participating in the Big Read, the Zonta club will be doing a presentation, print usage updates, information regarding the Dolly Parton National Book program was presented $220 per month per child, not affordable for the library at this time.
Also, discussion of changes to library card policy account for the recent shake up in the SALS/MVLS library system.
Motion: Franklin, second Cathy, all in favor.
Information on the Saratoga County Sheriffs Dept Blue Envelope program was presented and discussed.
Invite Sarah Dallas to the April board meeting.
Franklin to reach out to mayor and village board regarding non-functioning streetlights around the Jessups Landing Pathway (behind Library).
Very preliminary celebration plans for the library’s 100th birthday celebration was discussed.
Lighting issues in the library were discussed, upgrade plans were discussed.
Motion to accept Librarian’s report: Rose, second: Cathy all in favor.
1.Solar charging/electricity and signage for Wi-Fi Hut.
Board discussion to pursue grant opportunities for phase 2.
2. Trustee training start early for 2025; ADP online training sessions can be used as training hours.
3. Updated handbook: Mo final read through.
1.After discussion: A library credit card will be issued in Franklin’s name for emergencies.
2.Mo will begin training with Cathy to learn the job of library treasurer.