2021 January 11 Business Meeting Minutes

Library Director Becky Fasulo, acting as facilitator due to the meeting being held in person and virtually, called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.

Members present:  Lloyd Murdoch, Jane Pingelski, Felicia Hopkins, Franklin Bennek, Sheri Welch, Cathy Lozier, and Librarian Rebecca Fasulo.    

Minutes of the previous meeting:  Minutes from the Oct. 5th meeting were read.  A motion was made by Lloyd Murdoch and seconded by Sheri Welch to accept the minutes. The motion was carried with all in favor.  Minutes from the Dec. 7th Special Meeting were read.  A motion was made by Cathy Lozier and seconded by Sheri Welch to accept the minutes.  The motion was carried with all in favor. 

Treasurer’s Report:  The treasurer’s report was read and discussed.   Treasurer Cathy Lozier reported that a check for $26,700.18 was received from the Harriet Hawley Miller Trust which was deposited into the checking account as interest rates for CDs remain extremely low.  A motion was made Lloyd Murdoch and seconded by Jane Pingelski to approve all paid bills.  A motion was made by Franklin Bennek and seconded by Sheri Welch to accept the 2021 Budget and treasurer’s report.  The motion was carried with all in favor.      

Librarian’s Report:  The Librarian’s report was presented with highlights as follows: 

  • Library staff successfully meeting challenges brought on by COVID-19 pandemic with Pandemic Safety Plan and flexibility.
  • Continue take away craft type programs for near future

                                     See attachment for complete librarian’s report

A motion was made by Sheri Welch and seconded by Cathy Lozier to accept the librarian’s report.  The motion was carried with all in favor.

Old Business: 

  1.   Minimum Standards – the new updated standards go in place 1/1/21. We need to be in compliance by the end of the year as they will be reported on in the following year’s annual report. We are in good shape to be able to meet the changes by the deadline. I’m reviewing the changes now. We will need to work on a few things during the year; such as creating a new plan of service for the next 5 year period.
  2. Farm 2 Library – This program exceeded all expectations as the numbers of participants show (406 from mid-August through the end of the year). It was immediately successful, even before publicity was put out. There were a few bumps along the way and the pandemic made things a little difficult. We will have a meeting in the Spring before things begin again and we will make a few changes at that time: mainly a change in the day we pick up the produce to a day that the library is open. This would make it easier to get volunteers to help do the pickup. With some luck we’ll be able to find a few people who would take turns doing that.
  3. Pandemic – Due to rising cases in the local area we have gone back to Phase 2: Curbside Delivery. We are making photocopies, sending faxes and helping in printouts though not letting anyone in the building. Most other libraries in our system are also dropping back to curbside pickup, with a few closing their buildings with no services (except virtual/remote) for a week or two. I don’t think this will change for the month of January and possibly into February. When the local surge has come under control we will slowly reopen as per our Pandemic Safety Policy. 

New Business:

  1. Harriet Hawley Miller Trust – We received another payment of $26,700.18
  2. Telecommuting Policy – This policy is required as part of the Continuation of Operations Plan and as such needs to be approved.

RESOLVED, By the Board of Trustees of the Corinth Free Library that the Telecommuting Policy as presented, is hereby adopted.    

Motion is made by:_Sheri Welch and seconded by Cathy Lozier 

Those in favor:   Lloyd Murdoch, Jane Pingelski, Sheri Welch, Felicia Hopkins, Franklin Bennek, Cathy Lozier

Those against:  None 

Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Continuation of Operations Plan – This is being required by NYS and must be board approved by April 1, 2021.

RESOLVED, By the Board of Trustees of the Corinth Free Library that the Continuation of Operations Plan as presented, in compliance with Chapter 168 of New York State Labor Law amendment 27-c, is hereby adopted.    

Motion is made by:  Lloyd Murdoch and seconded by Cathy Lozier

Those in favor:  Lloyd Murdoch, Jane Pingelski, Sheri Welch, Felicia Hopkins, Franklin Bennek, Cathy Lozier

Those against:  None 

Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Other policies to be approved this year – There are a few policies that we need. I have drafts of a Purchasing Policy, Financial Accounts Policy, and our Code of Ethics statement (that I don’t have a record of its being formally approved.) I will get copies of these to you so you can look them over before the next board meeting.
  • Sick Leave Law – Under the new Sick Leave Law we need to provide 40 hours of paid sick leave per year to our employees. This Board has always been very generous with sick leave so there won’t be any effective changes in the way we do things. However, the Full Time Employees Working Conditions and Benefits policy will need to be updated to reflect the change. We currently have sick leave listed as days not hours and on an increasing scale as an employee accrues years of service. I can have this adjusted with other policies that need adjusting and send to you before our next meeting.
  • Plan of Service – Our current plan of service ends this year. We need to have a new five year plan to begin 2022.                 

Adjournment:  The motion was made by Franklin Bennek and seconded by Jane Pingelski with all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 PM.

Next two meetings:  Apr. 12, July 12