2023 April 3 Business Meeting Minutes

President Franklin Bennek called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.

Members present:  Jane Pingelski, Franklin Bennek, Cathy Lozier, Catherine Bailey, Emma Mackey, and Librarian Rebecca Fasulo.

Minutes of the previous meeting:  Minutes from the Jan. 23rd Public Annual Reorganization Meeting, Jan. 23rd regular Board Meeting, and Feb.28th Special Meeting were read prior to tonight’s meeting.  A motion was made by Catherine and seconded by Emma to accept all minutes. The motion was carried with all in favor.      

Treasurer’s Report:  The treasurer’s report was read and discussed.  A motion was made by Jane and seconded by Emma to approve all paid bills.  The motion was carried with all in favor.  A motion was made by Catherine and seconded by Cathy to accept the treasurer’s report.  The motion was carried with all in favor.      

Librarian’s Report:  The Librarian’s report was presented with highlights as follows: 

  • The popular monthly take & make craft kits will continue until end of April
  • SALS Annual Trustee Meeting on May 15th

A motion was made by Franklin and seconded by Cathy to approve the Board to pay for any and all trustees who want to attend the SALS Annual Trustee Meeting.  The motion was carried with all in favor.

                                     See also librarian’s report

A motion was made by Catherine and seconded by Cathy to accept the librarian’s report.  The motion was carried with all in favor.

Old Business: 

Strategic Plan – committee reports:

     Michael/Franklin/Mo:  Exterior WIFI Shelter, slab soon to be poured by Sean Eggleston.

Trustee Training: 

Reminder to Board members to check the SALS website for training opportunities.  Give information to Becky as soon as training is completed.  “I work in a library…but” will be repeated on 4/28.

Materials Selection Policy:  Policy was reviewed and changes were discussed.  It was agreed that Reconsideration of Materials challenges will go through the Library Director first and then referred to the Board of Trustees if an appeal is requested.  Becky will look at other libraries to see what is being done as far as limiting the number of challenges by a single patron so as not to take away too much of the Director’s time from daily library tasks.  Becky asked that we take time to reflect on the proposed changes and vote on its approval at a future meeting.

Library birthday – The library will turn 100 in 2027.  A board committee should decide when and how to celebrate this milestone.  Becky doesn’t think we want to let it pass without some acknowledgement. 

Cyber insurance:  Provider and how much coverage will be discussed at a future meeting.

New Business:

NYSERDA:  Energy audit was completed on February 13.  A 35 page report of findings and recommendations was provided.  Franklin will review this report as well.  This could be a useful tool for future projects.

Internet Policy: Policy was discussed with proposed changes. Wireless Internet Access rules were added to the policy to reflect current technology advancements.

RESOLVED, By the Board of Trustees of the Corinth Free Library that the changes made to the Internet Policy, as presented, is hereby adopted.

Motion is made by:  Jane and seconded by Emma

Those in favor:  Jane, Franklin, Cathy, Catherine, Emma

Those against:  None

Motion carried with all in favor.    


Adjournment:  The motion was made by Catherine and seconded by Franklin with all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 PM.

Next two meetings:   July 10, Oct. 2