2024 July 1, Business Meeting Minutes [DRAFT]

President Franklin Bennek called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.

Members present: Franklin Bennek, Jane Pingelski, Cathy Lozier, Catherine Bailey, Rose Farr, and Librarian Rebecca Fasulo. 

New Member: A motion was made by Franklin and seconded by Cathy to appoint Brittney Campbell as a member of the Board of Trustees.

Minutes of the previous meeting: Minutes from the Apr. 8 meeting were read.  A motion was made by Franklin and seconded by Rose to accept the minutes. The motion was carried with all in favor.     

Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was read and discussed.  A motion was made by Catherine and seconded by Jane to approve all paid bills.  The motion was carried with all in favor.  A motion was made by Rose and seconded by Brittney to accept the treasurer’s report.  The motion was carried with all in favor.     

Librarian’s Report:  The Librarian’s report was presented with highlights as follows: 

  • Summer Reading Program will begin in July
  • Annual Book Sale will be on July 27

                                     See attachment for complete librarian’s report

A motion was made by Catherine and seconded by Brittney to accept the librarian’s report.  The motion was carried with all in favor.

Old Business: 

  • Strategic Plan: Solar component to the WIFI shelter is still being looked into as is the signage for a permanent sign for the front of the shelter and a plaque thanking our donors.
  • Trustee Training: Reminder to Board members to check the SALS website for training opportunities.  Give information to Becky as soon as training is completed. 

New Business: None at this time

Adjournment: The motion was made by Jane and seconded by Cathy with all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 PM.

Next two meetings:  Oct. 7, Budget workshop Dec. 2