“Storm of the Century” 1913 flood

1913 floodCorinth Town Historian Rachel Clothier of the Corinth Museum will present a program at the Corinth Free Library on Thursday June 6 at 7pm.  This slide presentation will highlight the great flood of 1913 and its effect on the Corinth community.  Mrs. Clothier’s presentations are always very informative and entertaining.

This program is free and open to the public.

Welcome Spring!

Spring appears to finally be here with all its blustery winds, warmer temperatures, and showers.  Here at the library we will be doing a little house cleaning and rearranging of book sections.  All changes will occur during down time, so library hours will not be affected.

Tax Forms

New York State tax forms are here.  We also have some Federal tax forms, though not all Federal forms are available yet.