May 8, 2020

When we had to close our doors in March due to the coronavirus pandemic, we had no idea that we would still be closed in May.  We are happy to be able to continue to provide you with services virtually through our website, with Wi-Fi that is on 24/7, and to remain in touch with you on Facebook.

But we miss seeing you in person!

We want you to know that we are working hard behind the scenes to plan for the day that we can once again open our doors and welcome you in.  At first, there will be rules that we will need to follow to keep you and our staff safe.  These will initially limit access and the services that we can provide.  As the pandemic eases, we will be able to offer wider access to the building and the services we can provide.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.  You can leave messages on the library’s phone (518-654-6913); we are checking on the building regularly and will get back to you as soon as possible.  Additionally you can send comments, questions, and concerns through email to

Stay safe, stay healthy.  Hope to see you soon.

PS If you have not filled out the Census yet please do so .  An accurate count is important for future local funding and representation.

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