No evening hours tonight

There will be no evening hours tonight (1/17/17) due to the icy conditions and weather advisory.  Stay safe.


Come watch progress being made on our new mural.  Sher Millis is painting a beautiful scene on the stairway to the Children’s Room.  Thanks to the Friends of the Library for funding this project.

img_0871December 10 from 1-3:  National Senior Honor Society students from Corinth Central will be available for Tech help either on our public computers or on your own mobile devices.

December 19 at 6pm:  Join us for a special story time with a guest reader from Corinth Elementary School.

Story Time for pre-school age children and their caregivers is on Fridays at 10-30 am.  (Except December 23 this month.)

The library will be closed for Christmas on December 24 – 26 and for New Years on December 31.


Monday November 21 @ 6pm – the CCS PTSA Guest Reader Story Time.

Thursday November 24 – Closed for Thanksgiving.

Monday November 28 – Science Fun for Kids @ 7pm.