The Corinth Social History Project

Please join us on Tuesday December 14 and Tuesday December 21 at 7pm as Steve Cernek introduces us to The Corinth Social History Project: Industry and Community in Corinth, NY 1955-1965.  This is an online historical project using George Holland’s photos of community activities in Corinth in the fifties and sixties.  See some great photos and share your memories.


Funding for this project provided by the New York Council for the Humanities.

December closings

The library will be closed on Friday December 24 and Saturday December 25 for Christmas.  We will also be closed on Friday December 31 and Saturday January 1 for New Years.

November news

Just a reminder that we are closed on Thursday November 11 for Veterans’ Day and Thursday November 25 for Thanksgiving.

We are celebrating National Gaming Day on Saturday November 13 with board game play from 10:30am – 3:30pm.  We have dozens of board games, or you can bring a game from home. Refreshments will be served.

Help us to beat last year’s total as we join over 16,000 libraries nationwide who are participating in this year’s Gaming Day.